Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brianna Kichelle Hester

Brianna Kichelle Hester
November 17, 2007 - May 1, 2009
Brianna Kichelle Hester was born on November 17, 2007. Her mother had previously had a surgery that would significantly weaken the chances of her conceiving a child. Everyone was so pleasantly surprised when Brianna's mother announced her pregnancy. It was a high risk pregnancy, however, and Brianna was born prematurely. She was described as a 'happy and content' baby.
About a year after Brianna was born, Brianna's mother met a man and soon, she was in a relationship with him. Just before Brianna's first birthday, she and her mother moved in with this man. However, shortly after this, the rest of Brianna's family began to notice that they hadn't been seeing her as often as they used to.They also noticed that the few times they did see her, she had bruises. When questioned about this, Brianna's mother said that Brianna was only just learning to walk, and that she fell down a lot.
This seemed reasonable because Brianna had a slight turn in her leg. They assumed that that was why Brianna had been falling down a lot. Brianna's pediatrician told them that it was nothing to worry about, and that Brianna would probably outgrow this soon. Just three months after this, however, Brianna stopped walking completely.
Brianna's mother took her to the hospital and they did multiple tests. Everything came back normal. The only diagnosis the doctors could come up with was "acute cerebral ataxia". They said it was probably caused by an unknown virus. After Brianna was released from the hospital, she slowly began improving. She started to walk again, little by little. She still had a limp, however. Her family also noticed more and more bruises on her.
DEFACS came to check on Brianna one time, but her caseworker never actually saw Brianna. Brianna's mother called her family 'overly-dramatic' and started spending less and less time with them. This also meant that her family saw less and less of Brianna. Brianna's grandmother stopped by unexpectedly at Brianna's mother's home. Brianna's mother answered the door with Brianna in her arms. Brianna's grandmother wasn't invited inside the house though, and she noticed that Brianna had a fresh cut above her eye, and a few new bruises. Brianna's mother said that she fell down while trying to learn to walk again. Brianna's knuckles were red, and Brianna's mother said that Brianna 'picked at herself'. Brianna's grandmother contacted DEFACS, who promised to check on Brianna the very next day.
The next day, when DEFACS did visit Brianna's home, they discovered that she had been beaten to death. She died of blunt force trauma to the head. Brianna's mother's boyfriend, Daryl Keon Jones, 35, was sentenced to life in prison for abusing and murdering little Brianna.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hanna Marie Mack

Hanna Marie Mack
June 2, 2001 - September 10, 2007
Hanna Marie Mack was born on June 2, 2001. Hanna wanted to be a princess when she grew up, and she loved dressing up. She wore a tiara when she dressed up, and she loved playing with her dolls. On September 10, 2007 when Hanna was six years old, she went to sleep on her couch. Around 1:00 a.m., Kevin Wayne Anders (the boyfriend of Hanna's mother) and his friend, Shaun Earl Arender sat on the porch of Hanna's home. They were smoking marijuana and discussing sex. Kevin asked Shaun if he would like something to drink. Shaun answered 'yes' so Kevin went to get him a drink. 
When he came back to the porch, he had six year old Hanna with him. She had a coca-cola in her hand and she gave it to Shaun. Shaun then heard Hanna scream and say "No, that hurts." When he looked over at her, he saw that Kevin had his hand in Hanna's pants. After this, Kevin grabbed Hanna by her throat and told Shaun to come with him to the garage. 

Kevin choked Hanna until she became unconscious. He put her on the couch and told Shaun to rape her while he watched. Shaun started to molest Hanna until she woke up and started to scream. Kevin choked her again until she was silence, and then he and his friend hung her nude body from the rafters in the garage. The next morning, Hanna's mother found her body. Kevin called 9-1-1. Shaun was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the death of Hanna. He agreed to testify against Kevin. Kevin was never charged with the death of Hanna. He was sentenced to 98 years in prison for 10 counts of child pornography.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cassandra Lynn Williamson

Cassandra Lynn Williamson
November 23, 1995 - July 26, 2002
Cassandra Lynn Williamson was six years old when she passed away. Her nick-name was Casey, and many people called her that. She liked riding her bicycle with other children in her neighborhood. Casey was last seen alive wearing her only her nightgown. She was barefoot. She was getting a piggyback ride from a man. He was taking her down the street. It is believed that Cassandra went with this man willingly. The police charged Johnny Johnson with Cassandra's murder. Johnny Johnson was a twenty-four year old homeless man who was from the area. He was charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping, armed criminal action and attempted forcible rape in the killing. The preliminary findings from an autopsy showed that Casey died from blows to the head. Johnny Johnson had spent the previous night in Casey's home with her family. He told investigators that the abduction was planned, and that Casey trusted him. Shortly after she went missing, Casey's body was found in the ruins of a glass factory less than a mile from her home. A neighbor who had helped search for Cassandra had a six year old son who played with her. The little boy asked "Can I still play with Casey even though she's in Heaven?"

Kaylynne Mae Patricia Matten

Kaylynne Mae Patricia Matten
September 9, 2004 - December 6, 2011
Kaylynne Mae Patricia Matten was born on September 9, 2004. Kaylynne loved all animals, but she especially loved her pet chickens. Kaylynne was known to be very sweet. She loved hugs, making crafts with her mother, and she loved going hunting with her father. She also loved riding her 4-wheeler and getting dirty.
On December 2, 2011, Kaylynne had gotten a normal flu vaccination. Just four days later, seven year old Kaylynne died of heart complications. Her family suspected that she died from complications due to the flu vaccination. The vaccine was present in Kaylynne's body when she died.
 Later it was found that the vaccination caused her to develop the “mysterious” disease in her heart known as Myocarditis which killed her.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Somer Renee Thompson

Somer Renee Thompson
April 5, 2002 - October 19, 2009
Somer Renee Thompson was born on April 5, 2002. She had a twin brother named Samuel. Somer loved to dance, play dress up, draw and color. Her favorite color was purple. Somer's parents separated, and Somer lived with her mother. She also lived with her older brother, older sister, and twin brother. She was a very happy little girl. 
On Monday, October 19, 2009 at 2:45 p.m. Somer was released from her elementary school. She met her siblings and they began the mile long walk home from school. They walked this way very often, so it wasn't unusual. During the walk home, Somer got in an argument with another little girl from her school. Somer was angry, so she ran off. 

Somer's older sister thought that Somer would catch up with them. However, when they reached the second crossing guard, Somer wasn't waiting for them. Witnesses say that Somer walked about 500 yards away from her school, and then stopped to rest at a tree. The tree was in the yard of Jarred Harrell. Jarred approached Somer and got her to follow him into his house. He said his dog was inside. Somer had stopped to pet this dog on her way home from school before.
Once Somer was inside the house, Jarred raped her. He then strangled her and disposed of her body. When Somer's siblings got home and realized she wasn't there, they told their parents. Somer was reported missing, but two days later her body was found in a landfill. Five months after this, Jarred Harrell was charged with Somer's murder. Later, Somer's twin brother would give a strong message to Somer's murderer.
Samuel faced the man who raped and killed his twin sister and said "You know you did this, and now you're going to jail." By this time, Samuel had lived two years without his sister. He was now nine years old, but because of Jarred Harrell Somer would forever be seven.

Adam John Walsh

Adam John Walsh
November 14, 1974 - July 27, 1981
Adam John Walsh was born on November 14, 1974 to John and Reve Walsh. On July 27, 1981, Adam was abducted and murdered. On that day, Adam had been at a Sears department store with his mother. He wanted to go watch some older boys play a game. His mother allowed him to do this while she was just a few aisles away looking at lamps.
The older boys were causing trouble, and a store employee asked them to leave. It is assumed that Adam, being only six years old, had gotten confused and thought that he was supposed to leave too. He went outside the store where he was abducted. His mother went to find her son about seven minutes later, but he and the older boys weren't there anymore. 
Two weeks after this, Adam's severed head was found in a canal. A convicted serial killer named Ottis Toole confessed to killing Adam, but he was never tried or convicted for the crime. On December 16, 2008, police closed the case saying that they were sure that Adam's killer was Ottis Toole. The rest of Adam's body has never been recovered.
However, by the time that Adam's killer was 'confirmed', Ottis Toole was already dead. He had died of liver failure in 1996. Adam's father, John Walsh became the host of 'America's Most Wanted', and an advocate for victims of violent crimes. There is now a 'Code Adam'.

Sophie Elizabeth Quayle

Sophie Elizabeth Quayle
July 4, 2003 - October 6, 2007
Sophie was born on July 4, 2003. Her mother remembers her first night she spent with Sophie. They were in the hospital and they got to hear fireworks outside celebrating Independence Day. Sophie's parents described her as 'perfect in every way.'
Sophie's mother remembered how happy she was that Sophie would get to hear and see fireworks on every single one of her birthdays. Sophie was her parents' first child, and her grandparents' first grandchild. Her grandparents spoiled her. Sophie loved playing and swimming at what she called "Grandpa's Cottage".
Sophie reached all her milestones before or on time. To her parents, it was very obvious from the beginning that Sophie was a very special child. Sophie had advanced vocabulary. She even described her first sledding experience (at age 2 1/2 years old) as a "total disaster".
On February 21, 2007, Sophie and her parents' lives changed forever. On that date, Sophie was diagnosed with a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. In simpler words, this means that Sophie was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. This type of tumor is most common in children, but it is the rarest and worst form of brain tumor. There are about 150-200 children diagnosed each year, and the survival time after diagnosis is usually 9 - 12 months.
When her parents really thought about it, it appeared that there were signs of Sophie's tumor way back in September of 2006. These signs started with Sophie waking up three to four times in the middle of the night. Sometimes she would be crying, other times laughing and recalling events of the past. She also told her parents that her head felt 'wobbly'. Her parents mistook this for common child talk.
Sophie also acted more anxious. On her first day of preschool, she hadn't shed a single tear, but as time went on, she began to complain about school. Her parents were told that this was just a phase. In January of 2007, at her gymnastics and dance recitals, it was clear that Sophie was having trouble doing some of her routines that she had previously done with no problems at all. Her parents again thought that this was not such a big deal. They associated it with anxiety, or maybe even a growth spurt.
In the fall, Sophie had started to take naps again. She had stopped taking naps long ago, but her parents thought that maybe school was making her more tired than usual. Her behavior also changed in other ways. When it was bath time, Sophie would always love to race her father up the stairs, but she started wanting to be carried instead. On February 17, 2007, her family went to have family photographs taken. It was only then that they noticed Sophie could not smile. In fact, she couldn't move the right side of her face at all. Sophie's parents didn't think much of it though. She was only three years old, and usually, she was acting just like any other three year old little girl.
On February 20, 2007, Sophie vomited in the morning. However, she told her parents that she felt well enough to go to school. When her parents picked her up from school later in the day, Sophie's teacher told them that "Sophie seemed a little off today." They called the doctor and scheduled an appointment. Sophie slept and her parents researched her condition on the internet. By the time of the appointment, her mother was already 99% sure that Sophie had a brain tumor.
Sophie was given treatment at St. Jude Children's hospital. She had radiation treatments and chemotherapy. She gained about 1/3 of her previous weight because of the steroids. Her parents were told that after completing radiation, Sophie would probably have 'up to six good months'. Her parents hoped that she would act as she did before diagnosis, but she never acted completely the same again.
While some of Sophie's symptoms improved, Sophie never regained the complete use of her right side of her face. Her smile was never the same. She never walked without a limp again. At this point, St. Jude couldn't help Sophie any longer. Sophie went home with her family. Her parents were desperate to help her, so they tried herbal supplements and tinctures, from Probiotics, iodine drops, wheat grass, oxygen drops, alkaline drops, krill oil to paw paw. They also contacted a doctor from India who had seen some success using Ruta-6 for brain tumors. After all of this, Sophie still wasn't improving at all.
Sophie did have a few good months. She could move around her house by crawling. However, the steroids she had been given made her angry and irritable. She was always hungry, and her parents were trying to keep her on a 'cancer diet', but she always complained of her hunger. They found it hard to tell her that she couldn't eat her favorite foods.
The day before Sophie's fourth birthday, there were obvious signs of her tumor progressing. She had a very difficult time standing on her own, and she was throwing up more often. The second week of July, Sophie got to go on a Disney Cruise for her Make-A-Wish trip. Sophie threw up at the airport, but she was really excited about going on the trip, and she insisted that she felt well enough to go anyway.
Sophie loved going on the trip, and after she got back, she told her family over and over again how much she wanted to go on another cruise someday. When she returned home, she completed ten treatments of DMSO. She also started to vomit more frequently.
During the last two months of her life, Sophie was completely weaned off of steroids. Sophie's symptoms gradually got worse. In the last few weeks of her life, Sophie couldn't walk, talk, stand, eat, or sit. Sophie's parents always asked her if anything hurt, but she kept saying no. Sophie also went through a period of not wanting to do any of the things she used to love to do. She didn't want to read, or do stickers, or watch television.
The last week of Sophie's life, she wanted to do all these things again. Just a short while before her death, Sophie had just a few more good days. She was even able to go on a picnic with her family eat eat a few bites of hotdog and potato chips. She could drink liquids for the first time in awhile without using a syringe. However, after the picnic, when she got home, she threw up. She took a bath with her father, because of her weight and her weakness, the only way to give her a bath was to take one with her. She could no longer support herself. This was the last day Sophie had with her family.
Sophie passed away in her mother's arms. She was surrounded by family, and love.