Hanna Marie Mack
June 2, 2001 - September 10, 2007
Hanna Marie Mack was born on June 2, 2001. Hanna wanted to be a princess when she grew up, and she loved dressing up. She wore a tiara when she dressed up, and she loved playing with her dolls. On September 10, 2007 when Hanna was six years old, she went to sleep on her couch. Around 1:00 a.m., Kevin Wayne Anders (the boyfriend of Hanna's mother) and his friend, Shaun Earl Arender sat on the porch of Hanna's home. They were smoking marijuana and discussing sex. Kevin asked Shaun if he would like something to drink. Shaun answered 'yes' so Kevin went to get him a drink.
When he came back to the porch, he had six year old Hanna with him. She had a coca-cola in her hand and she gave it to Shaun. Shaun then heard Hanna scream and say "No, that hurts." When he looked over at her, he saw that Kevin had his hand in Hanna's pants. After this, Kevin grabbed Hanna by her throat and told Shaun to come with him to the garage.
Kevin choked Hanna until she became unconscious. He put her on the couch and told Shaun to rape her while he watched. Shaun started to molest Hanna until she woke up and started to scream. Kevin choked her again until she was silence, and then he and his friend hung her nude body from the rafters in the garage. The next morning, Hanna's mother found her body. Kevin called 9-1-1. Shaun was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the death of Hanna. He agreed to testify against Kevin. Kevin was never charged with the death of Hanna. He was sentenced to 98 years in prison for 10 counts of child pornography.

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